Choosing a funeral home is not always a simple or easy decision. There can be many opinions involved and a variety of different needs to consider. The funeral services industry in Calgary is driven by compassion and empathy so often the funeral home you are considering will have thought through what their clients often need most and will be quite accommodating. If you don’t find the Calgary funeral home you are meeting with appears to understand your needs and offers services to meet them, it’s a definite sign you should consider another one instead.
Regardless of how well funeral homes in Calgary have set themselves up to meet most of your needs, there are common mistakes that are made when choosing a funeral home that you’ll want to avoid.
Wrong Team To Trust - The biggest mistake you want to avoid is going against your gut or not asking the right questions to understand if the team at the funeral home in Calgary is the right fit for you. If you get the sense that they are not as helpful or patient as you need, it’s a good idea to move on. Alternately, you may find a funeral home team is too rigid in what they offer and doesn’t give you enough leeway or flexibility. Watch for how you feel after interacting with the team at the funeral home and avoid those that don’tt click well for you.
Poor Location - This is a critical factor when choosing a funeral home. You need to be able to visit there as needed during the planning process. You also want to choose a location that is close for the majority of your guests and nearby where out of town guests may be staying. Never choose location over supportive staff, but we would recommend that location is your second most important factor.
Lack Of Services - You’ll need to ask a few questions to understand this one but one mistake to avoid when choosing from the various funeral homes in Calgary is selecting one that has a lack of services, especially if they outsource them all to other vendors. To get the best service and pricing, you want them to take care of as many services in house as possible including, cremation, flowers, catering, etc.
Older Facility - There are a lot of companies that offer funeral services in Calgary. Some are relatively new, while others have older facilities that they repair and add on to, but many of the original design deficiencies cannot be overcome. We highly recommend avoiding the mistake of working with funeral homes in Calgary that have older facilities. These have not been designed with cremation as the primary disposition choice and often do not accommodate rituals and rites of various cultures and religious beliefs.
Choosing a Calgary funeral home can take a bit of time and research. When someone you love has recently passed away, it can be overwhelming and daunting to shop around but you definitely want to ensure you avoid these mistakes. Asking a trusted friend or family member for a referral can often be the fastest way to find a great funeral home without all of the time to address these concerns.